I have been invited to a domain as an author

You have received an invitation link by email to join a Learning Toolbox domain as an author or you have been asked to scan a QR code that will add you to a domain as an author.

After you have joined the domain, please check out Quick start for authors.

Recommendation: The preferred way to join the domain is by using the invitation link on a computer or laptop. You can also use the invitation QR code if you got a large tablet. If you only have a mobile phone, you can still join the domain either by using the invitation link or the QR code. But to start creating or editing stacks, you will have to use a computer, laptop, or (larger) tablet.

If you want some more background information, please have a look at What is Learning Toolbox and how does it work?

1. What can I do in the domain I have been invited to?

As an Author, you will be able to create your own stacks and share them with others. The domain administrator might allow you to do more things such as managing other users or adding co-authors. Please contact your domain administrator if you need more information about this.

2. Sign me up to the domain now

You will have received an invitation link or an invitation QR code to the domain, or both.

We recommend you join the domain using the invitation link on a computer or laptop. You can also use the invitation QR code if you got a large tablet. If you only have a mobile phone, you can still join the domain either by using the link or the QR code. But to start creating or editing stacks, you will have to use a computer, laptop, or (larger) tablet.

Follow the steps below, depending on your particular case:

3.1 I got an invitation link and I am on a computer, laptop, or large tablet

1. Click or tap on the invitation link.

2. If you don’t have a Learning Toolbox account, go to step 2a below. If you already have an account, go to step 2b.

2a. You don’t have a Learning Toolbox account – Click or tap on I don’t have a Learning Toolbox account and follow the instructions. If you need further help with creating your account, see Create an Account (starting at Step 3 under section “Create an account using a browser”).

Once you have created your account, go to my.ltb.io and click or tap on Sign in. Since this is the first time you sign in to Learning Toolbox, you will see the confirmation message below. Click or tap on Get Started and you will see a message confirming that you have been added to the domain. To get started, check out our guide Quick start for authors. If you need help with signing in to your account, see Signing in to Learning Toolbox. If you need help with creating stacks, check out the tutorial Create a Stack.

2b. You already have a Learning Toolbox account – Introduce your email and password and click or tap on Sign in. Alternatively, use one of the Social Media sign-ins shown on the right.

After you have signed in, you will see a message confirming that you have been added to the domain.

3. To get started, check out our guide Quick start for authors.

3.2 I got an invitation link or QR code and I am on a mobile phone

3.2.1 I got an invitation link

1. The steps are the same than under 3.1 above, but in Step 2a, if you want to start creating stacks you should switch to a computer, laptop, or large tablet and open a browser to sign in. If you only want to get added to the domain at this point, you can do the signing in described in Step 2a on the phone. Just tap first on the dropdown marked by the three horizontal bars on the top right and then tap on Sign in. You are now an author in the domain.

2. To get started, check out our guide Quick start for authors.

3.2.2 I got an invitation QR code…
…and want to use the Learning Toolbox app scanner

1. If you don’t already have the Learning Toolbox app on your phone, get it from here.

2. Create an account using the app if you don’t have one already.

3. Then sign in to the Learning Toolbox on the app.

4. Scan the invitation QR code with the Learning Toolbox scanner.

5. You have now been added to the domain.

6. To get started, check out our guide Quick start for authors.

…and want to use my own QR code scanner

1. Scan the QR code with your own QR scanner. Caution: Please be aware that some QR scanner apps have privacy issues and that in some cases scanners open the content in an internal browser that might make it difficult or impossible to follow the steps in this guide.

2. Go to 3.2.1 above and follow the steps described there.

3. To get started, check out our guide Quick start for authors.

3.3 I got a QR code and I am on a large tablet

1. Since you can edit stacks on a large tablet without a problem, we recommend you scan the QR code using your own QR code scanner. The scanner will then open the domain invitation page in a browser on the tablet and you can then simply follow the steps under 3.1 above to join the domain. You can of course also use the Learning Toolbox app scanner if you want, in which case just follow the steps in section “…and want to use the Learning Toolbox app scanner” above.

2. To get started, check out our guide Quick start for authors.

Category: General support (EN)