ePosters have been accepted for AMEE 2024 as either:
AMEE will have told you in which category your ePoster has been accepted.
ePoster with live presentation onsite
If your ePoster has been accepted for live presentation onsite then AMEE will tell you the date and time of your ePoster presentation session (this information is expected in July). You are expected to be in the room for the full 90 minutes of the ePoster presentation session. Up to 17 authors will present their ePosters in each presentation session.
Each author at AMEE will have 3 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions. There will be a computer connected to the ePoster showcase and a projector. You will be able to open your ePoster and show any of the content that you have included in your ePoster stack. While you are making your ePoster, you will already be able to check how your ePoster stack will appear and work onscreen by clicking on its preview button.
We recommend you take a look at this FAQ answer which is a general guide on how to practice your ePoster presentation in Learning Toolbox.

Delegates will be able to explore and interact with your ePoster stack throughout the conference and beyond, as described in the ePoster on demand section below. So you do not need to show everything during the live presentation. Use the live presentation as a chance to give delegates the highlights of your work and encourage them to explore it in more detail later.
ePoster On Demand
If your ePoster has been accepted as an ePoster On Demand AMEE 2024 then you will not present your ePoster live, but there will be plenty of opportunities for delegates to explore and discuss your work both during and after the conference. Your ePosters will be available for delegates to explore 24 hours per day – not just when the conference venue is open and not only during the conference days.
9 of the top 10 most viewed ePosters in 2023 were ePosters On Demand (averaging more than 480 views each). Also 1 of the 3 ePoster Prize Winners at AMEE 2023 was an ePoster On Demand. Viewers return to view the ePosters after the conference as well. The most viewed AMEE ePoster from 2017 has accumulated nearly 5,000 views over 8 years!
Your ePoster stack will be published to AMEE ePoster Showcase where delegates can explore, view and interact with them throughout the conference and afterwards.

Your ePoster will also be showcased on the onsite summary poster walls. Delegates will be able to open your ePoster by scanning its QR code and can then explore all the contents of your ePoster stack on their phone or computer.

There will also be some large screens connected to the ePoster showcase and located in the summary poster wall area. Delegates can also use these screens to explore the ePoster showcase and your ePosters. You can also bring people to these screens to show them their ePoster stack and any of its contents. It could be a perfect place for impromptu presentations and discussions.

Delegates will be able to post comments and questions to your ePoster stack in its own text chat area. You can answer them and this discussion will be attached to your ePoster stack. You will be able to turn on email notifications of new chat activity on your ePoster.

You can also easily share the direct link to your ePoster via email, twitter or any other communication channel in which you can paste the link. Many authors use this as a way of letting people know about their work and encouraging them to explore their ePoster and post questions. You will be able to share your ePoster in this way after the conference as well.

Your ePosters will be available for delegates to explore 24 hours per day – not just when the conference venue is open and not only during the conference days.
For more information on all the different ways that people can engage with your ePosters please see the exploring, sharing and engaging sections of the FAQ page.