LTB Support Page – General

Creating a Stack

Be inspired by other authors

Take a look at the sections below to see some stacks that have been made and used as ePosters at conferences (to share and present the author’s research work).

Many conferences are now using Learning Toolbox to present, share and discuss research. We have seen some great examples of ePosters/stacks created by authors attending these conferences. The 3 minute video below explores some of the great ePosters made by authors using Learning Toolbox.

If your country does not allow access to the Vimeo video streaming service then you can access this video here instead.

You can see and interact with these great ePosters (and more) on the Learning Toolbox Showcase. These ePosters are live and still being used by authors to present and share their work. You will see that they vary in terms of what content they include and how they are structured, but they have all made great use of the platform to present their work.

LTB Showcase
Learning Toolbox Showcase

Of course your own ePoster/stack does not need to be as sophisticated as these examples – a simple and effective ePoster/stack may just contain the abstract, a presentation and a link to a website for example. But we hope these examples may give you an idea of what is possible and some ideas of the type of material you could include to give people a richer view of your work.

We would like to thank the authors of these ePosters/stacks for agreeing to their excellent work being showcased here. If you have come across any brilliant Learning Toolbox ePosters that you would like to see added to this showcase then please let us know so that we can contact the author and ask for their permission to add them.

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