If you are creating (or have created) stacks for more than one conference or event (e.g. AMEE and NASS) then you will be an author in more than one domain in Learning Toolbox (e.g. both AMEE and NASS).
When you sign-in to Learning Toolbox you will automatically be in the domain that you most recently accessed. If you click on Create Stack or Stacks then it will only show you your activated invitations or stacks that are part of that domain.
You can see which domain you are in by looking at the top right hand corner of the screen. Next to your name it will show you the name of the domain. Next to the Signed In button it will show you the logo of that domain.

To switch to another domain you click on the Signed In button and choose the domain from the drop-down menu.

You will then see that the domain name and the domain logo change to the new domain. If you click on Create Stack or Stacks then it will show you your activated invitations or stacks within this domain.