Answering Author Questions – Deleted ePoster

Question: I have accidentally deleted my ePoster. Can you restore it?

If an author deletes an ePoster then it is not immediately removed from the system. Instead we store it in the Deleted ePosters folder that is viewable to administrators. This means that you can restore it for the author and link it again to their invite in your event.

It is also possible for authors to restore the stack themselves – this answer from the FAQ page for authors explains how an author can restore their deleted stack. So you could just direct the author to this FAQ. If they follow those steps then you will not need to do anything yourself.

If instead you restore the deleted ePoster for an author then you should follow these steps:

1. Click on Stacks in the top menu bar of Learning Toolbox. This will take you to the view that shows you the Stacks in your domain.

2. Click on the Deleted Stacks tab.

3. This will show you the stacks that have been deleted. Find the stack that needs to be restored and click on its title.

4. This will open the summary view of the ePoster. You can now click on the Restore button.

The ePoster is now restored but it still needs to be re-linked to the record in your event. To do this:

5. Go to the Event Management, open your event

6. Click on the Participating Authors tab

7. Use Search to find the author’s record

8. In their record you will see a button titled Check for stacks. Click on this to find all stacks/ePoster made by this author. ** If there is no Check for Stacks button showing in the record then follow these steps.

9 Find the stack/ePoster you have restored and click on Link Stack to connect it to this record again.

You can then tell the author that the ePoster has been restored. The next time the author signs-in to Learning Toolbox they will be able to see and continue to edit this restored stack.


** If there was no Check for Stacks button showing in the record then is because the author has already started a new ePoster whilst waiting for the deleted one to be restored. In this case you will need to ask the author which ePoster they want to use for the event (the new ePoster or the restored one).

If they want to use the new ePoster then you do not need to do anything because that ePoster is already linked to their record.

If they want to use the restored ePoster then you should use the unlink button to unlink the new ePoster from the record. Then follow steps 8 and 9 above to find and link the restored ePoster to the record.

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