How Future Physiology 2021 are using Learning Toolbox

The Physiological Society is using Learning Toolbox for the ePosters at their Future Physiology 2021 conference.

Learning Toolbox allows you to create a Stack of material that can be used to present and share your work online and onsite. At the simplest level you can just add a presentation or poster file to your Stack, but the platform allows you to do much more. Learning Toolbox Stacks can also contain additional materials such as videos, weblinks, papers and more. If you want your ePoster to be considered for the best ePoster prize then you should include a 5 minute video of you presenting your work as part of your ePoster. It is this video that the judges will be assessing.

Your stack/ePoster will be published to The Future Physiology ePoster Showcase where delegates can explore, view and interact with them. Delegates will be able to post comments and questions to your stack/ePoster in a text chat channel, which you can answer and this discussion will be attached to your stack/ePoster.

The Physiological Society have also arranged ePoster sessions as part of the Future Physiology 2021 programme. The ePoster sessions will involve 15 minute ā€˜virtual round table discussionsā€™ where you will be able to present your ePoster and attendees will be able to ask you about your work. These will take place inside the conference platform.

You can already explore The Future Physiology Showcase and see the ePosters from 2020 if you want to see what it is possible to create using the Learning Toolbox platform. We also have a Learning Toolbox Showcase of great ePosters from a range of different conferences.

Category: FuturePhysiology