How AMEE 2021 are using Learning Toolbox ePosters

AMEE are again using Learning Toolbox for the ePosters at their 2021 conference. We are looking forward to welcoming our returning and new authors and seeing what wonderful ePosters you create this year.

Making your rich ePoster using Learning Toolbox

Learning Toolbox allows you to create a Stack of material that can be used to present and share your work. At the simplest level you can just add a presentation or poster file to your Stack, but the platform allows you to do much more. Learning Toolbox Stacks can also contain additional materials such as audio, videos, weblinks, papers and more.

Your ePosters in the conference

Your stack/ePoster will be published to AMEE ePoster Showcase where delegates can explore, view and interact with them throughout the conference and afterwards. Delegates will be able to post comments and questions to your stack/ePoster in a text chat channel, which you can answer and this discussion will be attached to your stack/ePoster. You will be able to turn on email notifications of new chat activity on your ePoster.

Your ePosters will be available for delegates to explore 24 hours per day – the sun will never set on the AMEE ePosters!

Some of the ePosters will also be presented live during the conference.

If your ePoster is going to be presented live then AMEE will have informed you of this. The live presentations (3 minutes presentation and 2 minutes for questions) will be done using Zoom and the the conference organisers will be inviting presenters to join an orientation session before the conference, to make sure that everyone is familiar with the use of Zoom to share their screens. We will also provide some guidance and answer questions about the live presentations as part of the second webinar we run for ePoster authors on the 9th August.

ePoster Helpdesk in the conference

As well as providing you with support as you make your ePoster, we will also have a dedicated ePosters Helpdesk within the Virtual Conference. So if you have any questions about using the ePosters during the conference then just come to the Helpdesk. We’d love to meet you there!

Your ePosters beyond the Conference

You can continue to share and use your ePoster after the conference as well. Each ePoster has its own unique web address, so you’ll be able to direct people straight to your work. You can even edit your ePoster after the conference if the discussions at the conference identifies some extra material you want to add. Viewers will always see the most recently saved version of your ePoster.

Category: AMEE