Full paper submissions for conference proceedings

The full paper submission is something that is managed by IEAGHG. It is done outside Learning Toolbox and is done after the conference.

You can find instructions from IEAGHG regarding the full paper requirements and a link to download the full paper template on the GHGT-17 Essential Presenter Information Page.

IEAGHG also emailed instructions to authors on the 12th April. Below is the text from that email.

All authors offered either an oral or E-poster presentation are required to prepare a full paper of the work to be presented, which will then be published in the GHGT-17 conference proceedings subject to confirmation the work was presented. You will need to use the full paper template found on the GHGT website (in preparation, link will be added soon) and follow the guidelines detailed. A full paper is recognised as a minimum of 4 pages and maximum of 12 including references and diagrams.

Deadlines – we do NOT need you to submit the full paper before the conference, only that you have the paper must be complete so that it can be uploaded after the conference has taken place and confirmation received the work was presented by you or a co-author. Please note we will not publish work that has not been presented in the conference proceedings.

Changes to title or authors – must be advised by email no later than 30th August 2024 to suzanne.killick@ieaghg.org  to ensure the correct information is printed in the conference programme and app.

Category: GHGT