If you are the author of a stack/ePoster at an event then your account will already follow that event’s showcase and (if you are signed in to the App) you can choose to search the showcase in the App.
If you are a delegate at an event then you will need to first follow the showcase in the App. After you have done this you will always be able to choose to search across just this event’s showcase in the App. To follow the showcase in the App:
- Open in the App any stack/ePoster from the event that you want to follow. Click on the More Menu
- Choose Share
- Click on Star next to the Event name (you are now following this event’s showcase)

To search a followed showcase in the App:
- Click on the More Menu
- Choose Search
- Click on the Domains drop-down menu
- Choose the name of the Event you want to search

By default (with the search box left blank) this will then list all the stacks/ePosters in that event’s showcase.
You can also search for a specific stack/ePoster in the showcase by typing in the search box and then choosing the field (All/Tags/Title/Author) you want to search