Currently users of Learning Toolbox can have one of the following roles.
Domain Administrator
An administrator has access to their domain’s administration area in Learning Toolbox. From here they can manage their domain and also manage their events (setting up events, inviting authors, monitoring and publishing their stacks). They are also able to create stacks/ePosters themselves.
Domain Author
A domain author can create, edit, and delete stacks in the domain. They may also have additional permissions (member management) if this has been allowed by the administrator.
Event Author
An event author is an author who has been invited (by the administrator) to create a specific stack/ePoster for an event. An event author can only create the stacks that they have been invited to create.
Domain Member
A domain member cannot create stacks, but can view and intereact with all public stacks and also those stacks that have been restricted to viewing only by members of their domain.
Registered User
A registered user cannot create stacks, but can view and interact with all public stacks.