[intro: what is a regular user; if you have been added to a domain, you might have received specific instructions, check your email or ask those who have invited you; redirects to pages for specific users (?)]
If you are not sure what Learning Toolbox is or want to know more about how it works, check out the help page What is Learning Toolbox and how does it work?
Take me to:
- What can I do with Learning Toolbox?
- Quick start for regular users
- Learning Toolbox in detail
- Find more help
What can I do with Learning Toolbox?
[on their own accord; being invited to a domain; to see what others have done with LTB; share with others; see also Find more help below]
- Use cases for regular users. 1-2 sentences. Compared to the use cases described under “What is LTB”, the use cases here can be fictional. In some cases, we can provide a QR code and link so people can try it out first-hand.
- Key functionalities for regular users.
- Link to “How LTB works”.
Quick start for regular users
[for those who want to get on with it; hands-on, practical]
- App (iOS, Android, Web App) vs. Stack Store (browser).
- App: {get the app OR is there a link to get to the Web App without loading a stack?}; {create an account; sign in}; scan QR code OR explore with Search;
- Stack Store: open a browser and go to my.ltb.io; {create an account and sign in};
- Suggest to explore showcases and showcase of showcases. Use app to scan QR code of stack or Preview on computer (also: tablet).
Learning Toolbox in detail
[for regular users]
Find more help
[general pages; main page] [FAQ: point to the FAQ page and the section for regular users]