[intro: what is a domain admin; if you have been added to a domain, you might have received specific instructions, check your email or ask those who have invited you; domain admin for events (event mgmt); domain admin for training centres (we need to think about this)]
Take me to:
- What can I do with Learning Toolbox?
- Quick start for domain administrators
- Learning Toolbox in detail
- I manage a domain for an event
- I manage a domain for a training centre
- Find more help
What can I do with Learning Toolbox?
[on their own accord; being invited to a domain; to see what others have done with LTB; share with others; see also Find more help below]
Quick start for domain administrators
[for those who want to get on with it; hands-on, practical]
Learning Toolbox in detail
[for domain administrators]
I manage a domain for an event
I manage a domain for a training center
[The question is whether a domain admin of a training centre could end up on this support page, and if so, this section would serve to redirect them to the appropriate channel (their training centre might have a dedicated support page for instance). Explain here that this is for German VET centres and that others such as the university use cases are covered by the general help here or might have been provided by their domain admin with specific help. Also point them to the support pages for the two use cases for domain admins who have to organise events or training using the LTB.]
Find more help
[general pages; main page] [FAQ: point to the FAQ page and the section for regular users]